Please accept below when you visit Medtec Japan.

■Attendees must be over 18 and connected to the Medical Device industry in a professional capacity.

■Details of the exhibition including the seminar program, may change without notice.

■Attendees are not allowed to take photos and videos in and outside the exhibition halls.

■The organizers may take photos and videos and own the right to use those photos and videos for any kinds of promotional materials such as brochure, flyers, or website.
Members of the press who have obtained permission from the organizers are also allowed to take photos and videos and may use them for newspapers, magazines, and other media.

■The organizers have the right to remove attendees from the events if the organizers judge that their acts are inappropriate for the events.

■Attendees agree that the personal data provided during registration will be used for promotional purposes in accordance with the organizer’s Privacy Policy.

■When you register or attend to the presentations and seminars at the exhibition, your registered information will be given to the organizers of the presentations and seminars.

■When your badge is scanned by barcode readers by other exhibitors at the exhibition, your registered information will be given to the exhibitors.

■Should Japanese governments and police request your information in case of emergency, the organizer may provide them with your registered information.

■We use cookies to help provide you with the best possible online experience, and for the purpose of improving the quality of services, we also acquire identifiers including IP addresses and statistical data on the visitor's online behavior across websites.

【Privacy Policy】
I confirm I have read, understood and agreed to the terms above and the organizer’s Privacy Policy.


Entry form will appear by ticking the checkbox.


  • Pre-registration is mandatory to enter an Exhibition hall.
  • For updating your registration information, please CLICK HERE.
  • For attending conference, please register from here. Note that all conference will be conducted in Japanese.
  • If you have any troubles completing this form, contact helpdesk
  • No one under the age of 18 years is permitted in the exhibition halls or conference meeting rooms. Show management reserves the right to refuse registration.

Full Name

First Name

Family Name
Company Name

Blank (If not applicable, please select "Blank")
Job title

Blank (If not applicable, please select "Blank")
Province / State / Prefecture
Zip/Postal code
Mobile Phone
Re-enter your E-mail address for confirmation


1. Please describe your company's business (Check all that apply):
2. What is your primary job function? (Check one by choosing the closest answer):
3. What is your company's primary end product? (Check all that apply):
Other, please specify:
4. Who is your company's target customer? (check one):
Other, please specify:
5. What is your main reason for visiting? (check one)
Other, please specify:
6. Are you responsible for the purchasing of products or services exhibited at Medtec Japan? (check one):
7. Where or how did you get information about the exhibition?
Detail information
8. When would you plan to visit Medtec Japan?

10AM to 12PM  12PM to 2PM  2PM to 5PM
10AM to 12PM  12PM to 2PM  2PM to 5PM
10AM to 12PM  12PM to 2PM  2PM to 5PM

please specify:
please specify:
please specify:
Medtec: Your worldwide medical manufacturing platform